Discerning Design

We are extremely discerning when it comes to choosing a cell phone. Of course, we look for the latest technology, but also the right size and functions for your needs. We are discerning about the brand and the accessories. But beyond all of that we consider how it looks. How does it feel in your hand? Using a phone is a sensory experience that becomes integral to daily life. So too should your home be something that you experience, not just rooms that hold furniture.

Most homes are one-size-fits-all. We ask for the same things when looking for or designing a home; hard wood floors, open floor plans, updated bathrooms and kitchens, granite countertops. These are great things to ask for, but did you know that you can expect more from your modern home? There is something intangible about a well designed home. There is something unmeasurable about how it holds light, space and even air. It’s these hidden things that effect us on a spiritual level. These are the soul, the vitals of the modern house and we as consumers need to raise our expectations of contemporary home design.


Well done modern design is about more than the surface dressing, more than the materials and amenities. It is about creating those moments that make you pause and appreciate. A good contemporary home designer can work with you to discover how to create those moments. They will ask questions and learn about you to discover how your rituals will drive that design and how all the pieces of your life and home move, connect and juxtapose together. How can the light, the view, the window placement cultivate truly rich moments?

These are the softer things that are harder to quantify but are essential to a true boutique modern home design. Just as we care about all the finer details of the technologies that have become integral to our lives, so too should we care about these details in the modern homes that we live in.