What is Home?

What makes a house a home?

No matter what type of structure one lives in, be it an apartment, a mansion, or even an igloo, there is an emotional and spiritual connection to the space that makes it feel like home. But, what exactly is it that makes these disparate places feel the same, like home, to so many people?

There seems to be no clear consensus. It differs from culture to culture, from person to person. Is it family? Security? Comfort? Memories? Your bed? Your cat? Maybe that sense of home comes from the activities you engage in. Reading a book? Painting? Conversations with friends? Game night with family? Cooking a meal?

When designing and building a home, most designers will start from the walls and work inward. But, a well designed home should have a human-centric starting point as the heart of the design. The most beautifully designed home can feel empty and lifeless if it doesn’t mean something to the person living there.

Whatever your idea of a home is, it is full of the items, the memories, the mess that outlines your daily life and history. There is something authentic about a well lived-in space that truly reflects the person or people living there.